I gave myself a perm last night. My daughter was SUPPOSED to help me roll it, but she had a mountain of homework to finish before she could go to the football game tomorrow night. Paige is a football fanatic. The most I understand is that if our team (whichever team we're rooting for) gets the ball to the end of the field we get points; which is a good thing - right?. The rest of the time I need Paige to explain why the men in the black and white prison suits keep blowing the whistle. So ... being that tomorrow is Friday, I was fortunate enough to find her in her room pouring over the books, but unfortunate enough to have to roll my own hair - thank you very much.
So, I did it myself - conditioned it well before I started - then again when I finished - and finally, rubbed it down with some oil gel I purchased that should help keep it from getting too dry and frizzy. Cindy was afraid that I'd fry my hair in the process. I hope I don't end up regretting this.
On another note:
Paige informed me yesterday that she's met Mr. Right. She explained it like this: "None of the other girls are really interested in him because he just turned 15 (the same age as Paige) and he's not very big yet. But, he looks exactly like his older brother and his older brother is HOT. By the time he grows up and all the other girls figure it out, it'll be too late. I'll already have him."
I had to laugh ...
I love the new perm. You look GREAT! That's something I could never do with my hair, it just wouldn't work *wink*
Let's hope Paige is right about the new guy. A word of warning though... brothers don't always turn out the same. Fingers crossed for her though. *HUGS*
DIANE - I've never seen your hair ... except in baby pictures.
I don't worry too much about Paige being disappointed. She has a different crush every week. Fine by me, though. Less worry!
It looks fabulous! Yeah, I was worried, lol. I've seen too many perms turn out just awful and your hair is much too beautiful to mess up. I'm glad it worked! :)
You did an excellent job on your perm! The word perm is scary and reminds me of my 3rd grade school picture where I had a combination bob and perm and looked like a poodle.
I love your daughters thought process, too.
you daughter is brilliant! I am still laughing, Oh how much fun high school was.
Not trying to get brownie points or anything ;-) but I can't believe everyone hasn't said that you look quite a bit younger with the curls. And you looked great before.
Like Paige's logic. She's a planner, no?
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